DCA Demo Clinics
We want to make custom in ear monitors accessible to everyone, so in 2022 we launched our DCA Demo Clinics! With offices across the UK in all major cities, you can now access all of our bespoke services near you!
How does it work?
Our clinics are an opportunity to try our all the custom in ear monitors we have and get your free 3D impressions at a session closer to you and at a reduced cost.
In the past year we have successfully held Demo Clinics across the UK in: Bournemouth, Cardiff, London, Brighton, Bristol, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham, Leicester, Shrewsbury and many more places in between!
We hold a monthly London demo clinic due to high demand, but regularly travel to other cities across the UK!​​
You can also request a Demo clinic in your area, or find out where the next Demo clinic will take place by simply getting in touch below.

Find your ideal Customs, your way.
Your Demo clinic session will be a relaxed and transparent appointment in which we'll be led by you! We'll take the time to chat and get to know you, what you do and how you do things to help you find the best Customs for your personal taste, situation and style.
There are no restrictions on what you can listen to, at your session you can try out to everything we have to directly A/B different Manufacturers, Models, Driver Counts and Technologies to understand exactly where you feel the meaningful differences are.
Whether your a Touring Artist, or you play in a covers band and this would be your first set of Customs, our open and person-centred approach is tailored to your level of experience and style.
Outline of our Demo Process
We want to learn about you and what you need from a set of Custom IEMs or Earplugs.
Try out all our Custom In Ear Monitors to find what's best for you.
We will take your free set of our cutting-edge 3D Impressions for a perfect fit!
Order & Aftercare
We handle the rest and won't sign off anything until you're 100% happy.
Booking In:
If you'd like to book in for a Demo Clinic, please fill in our booking request form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!
How does this differ to a regular consultation? Well, we often ask for you availability and find a day that works for you and 3-4 other people in your area to put on the Clinic. Then, as with all mobile sessions we just a nominal agreed travel contribution required to help us cover the costs to put on the day. This is shared between us at DCA and all participants so prices are much lower!